Tuesday, February 2, 2010

My First Real Model Shoot

I experienced my first model shoot last Saturday. I didn't realize that it would be enjoyable. I really learned a lot and now I am confident that I can wing it when another opportunity comes.

Why did I say my first real shoot? Well, I joined a model shoot before but nobody taught me anything because everybody was busy trying to get their own shots. This time however, it was different. There were professional photographers around who readily helped us (especially me!) with camera settings. Also, everything was so well-organized such that even if each of us were only given 3 minutes each to shoot a model, we were all able to take good photos. It was really fun!

So today, I am sharing one of my model shots.   Ala - 5th Element. What do you think?


Reymos said...

Congratulations! Nice shot...

BabyPAngtuaco said...

Hi Reymos - Thanks very much!

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