Monday, April 29, 2013

Photos, Quotes, Inspiration

Hi Everyone,

I have created a new blog which houses all my "photoquotes".

As you probably know, I love collecting quotes and taking photos of course. Now I have combined these two loves into what I call as "photoquotes".

If you need a daily dose of inspiration, then this is just the site for you. Please check it out and follow me over there too. Here is the link: 

And here is an example of what you will find there:

See you there!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Aliwan Festival

It's almost that time of the year again! I mean fiesta or festival time!

I'm sharing here a photo taken during the Aliwan Festival 2 years ago. This is the mother of all festivals as it includes the contingent from other regions of the Philippines. This year, it's going to be held on April 11 - 13, 2013.

I have written about this festival in my HubPages. Here is the link:

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